Series 2

Colour Discovery 5


Colour Discovery Five - Colour for Meaning 17th Century


  • Definition of meaning in the 17th Century

  • Tropes

  • Psychology

  • Symbolism

Colour Properties:

Colour and the Human Eye

  • Hue

  • Saturation

Colour and Composition

  • Golden Mean

  • Main Point of Focus

  • Rhythm

Modelling With Colour

  • Tones

List of paintings:

  1. Frans Hals - Young Man with a Skull (1626/28)

  2. Sir Peter Paul Rubens - The Judgement of Paris (1632-35)

  3. Louis Lenain - The happy family or The return of baptism (1642)

  4. Aelbert Cuyp - Huntsmen Halted (circa 1650-1655)

  5. Bartolome Esteban Murillo - The Young Beggar (1650)

  6. Diego Velasquez - Las Meninas (1656)